{Social_Drinker}사교적인 음주가
{Social_Drinker_desc}그는 약간의 음주가 승리를 위해서 필요하다고 생각하며 반대하지 않습니다.\n
{Social_Drinker_lose_desc}This man has renounced the pleasures of wine.
{Social_Drinker_effects_desc}지휘력 +1\n인기 +1 (공공질서 개선)
{Gets_Merry_desc}그가 술을 마실때는 경계심을 가지기 않고 모두를 대합니다.\n
{Gets_Merry_effects_desc}인기 +2 (공공질서 개선)
{Steady_Drinker}상습적인 음주가
{Steady_Drinker_desc}그는 언제든지 술병을 손에 쥐려 합니다.\n
{Steady_Drinker_effects_desc}지휘력 -1\n인기 +1 (공공질서 개선)
{Drunken_Heathen}교양없는 술고래
{Drunken_Heathen_desc}그의 음주는 공공연히 문제가 되고 있습니다. \n
{Drunken_Heathen_effects_desc}지휘력 -2\n권위 -1\n세금 소득 -2%
{Alcoholic}알콜 중독자
{Alcoholic_desc}그는 술을 마시는것에 대해서 숨을 쉬는것과 같다는 생각을 가지고 있습니다.\n
{Alcoholic_effects_desc}지휘력 -3\n권위 -3\n세금 소득 -5%
{Paralytic_desc}그는 항상 술이 떡이되도록 마시고 헤어진 여자친구의 전화번호를 눌렀다 말았다를 반복할 뿐입니다.\n
{Paralytic_gain_desc}그는 음주로 인해 불구나 마찬가지가 되었습니다 .\n
{Paralytic_effects_desc}지휘력 -5\n권위 -5\n세금 소득 -10%
{Strong_Language}격한 어휘
{Strong_Language_desc}그는 전장에서 적군들을 보며 "씨발!! 거기 그대로 있어! 내가 곧 니 모가지를 비틀어버릴랑게!!" 라는 표현들을 자주 쓰는 편입니다.\n
{Strong_Language_effects_desc}지휘력 +1\n군대의 사기 +1
{Foul_Mouthed}야비한 입버릇
{Foul_Mouthed_desc}그는 가끔 전장에서 붙잡은 패잔병들에게 "거기 BOY! 비누좀 주어볼래..? ANG?" 이라는 표현들도 서슴없이 하는 편입니다 .\n
{Foul_Mouthed_effects_desc}기사도 -1\n복종 -1\n지휘력 +1\n군대의 사기 +2
{Spits_Venom_desc}그의 전투 지휘의 첫 단어들은 보통 "씨발". "개새끼들아". "씹어먹을 새끼들"로 시작되며 보편적으로 동일하게 끝맺음 됩니다." \n
{Spits_Venom_effects_desc}공포 +2\n복종 -4\n충성도 -1\n권위 -1\n군대의 사기 +3
{Utterly_Profane}완전한 신성모독자
{Utterly_Profane_desc}그가 적군에게 행한 폭언들은 심지어 암흑군주 사우론의 자리를 위협할 수준으로 사우론 또한 그의 만행들에 탐복하고 있는 편입니다 .\n
{Utterly_Profane_gain_desc}그의 욕설은 매우 걸죽하며 아군에겐 욕쟁이 할머니로 불리웁니다.
{Utterly_Profane_effects_desc}공포 +4\n복종 -6\n충성도 -2\n권위 -2\n군대의 사기 +4
{Uninhibited}직설적인 의사표현
{Uninhibited_desc}그는 생각나는대로 말하는 것에 거부감이 없습니다.\n
{Uninhibited_effects_desc}권위 -1
{Shameful_desc}Aware that his urges to be with other men could see him in trouble.\n
{Shameful_effects_desc}권위 -2
{Too_Well_Groomed}지나치게 차려입은
{Too_Well_Groomed_desc}Just one step too pretty and polished for his sexual preference to escape a discerning eye.\n
{Too_Well_Groomed_effects_desc}지휘력 -1\n권위 -3
{Shameless_Queen}파렴치한 왕비
{Shameless_Queen_desc}그의 왕비는 매우 못생겼지만 어린 소년들의 아랫도리를 만지는 악독한 취미를 가지고 있습니다 .\n
{Shameless_Queen_epithet_desc}파렴치한 왕비
{Shameless_Queen_effects_desc}지휘력 -3\n권위 -5
{Red_Blooded_desc}그의 열정은 지칠 줄 모른다.\n
{Red_Blooded_effects_desc}군대의 사기 +2
{Womaniser_desc}Faithfulness is not one of this man's virtues. He is an easy target for a pretty lady.\n
{Womaniser_effects_desc}군대의 사기 +1
{Adulterer_desc}This man avidly pursues various women. He commits acts of infidelity without remorse.\n
{Adulterer_effects_desc}No Effects
{Lecherous_Fiend_desc}This man is no longer even concerned whether or not the women he pursues desire him or not. It is shameful!\n
{Lecherous_Fiend_effects_desc}공포 +1\n군대의 사기 -1
{Sexual_Predator_desc}그는 여자를 오로지 성적 정복의 노예로 취급한다.\n
{Sexual_Predator_effects_desc}공포 +2\n군대의 사기 -2
{Sensible_Drinker}분별력있는 음주가
{Sensible_Drinker_desc}Not one to let drink ever get the better of him.\n
{Sensible_Drinker_effects_desc}지휘력 +1
{Sober_desc}Has made a point of not drinking alcohol. This makes him clear headed, but aloof.\n
{Sober_effects_desc}지휘력 +1\n군대의 사기 -1\n인기 -1 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Abhors_Drink_desc}This man has a tedious and overbearing grudge against alcohol. It does little to endear him to others.\n
{Abhors_Drink_effects_desc}지휘력 +1\n군대의 사기 -2\n인기 -2 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Brave_desc}그는 두려움은 극복할 수 있다는 것을 보여주는것에 주저하지 않는다.\n
{Brave_effects_desc}군대의 사기 +1
{Dauntless}불굴의 정신
{Dauntless_desc}공포 is not something that troubles this man. He will valiantly accept grim odds without complaint.\n
{Dauntless_effects_desc}군대의 사기 +2
{Courageous}꺼지지않는 용기
{Courageous_desc}Known to embrace the act of taking on dangers as both an example to others, and personal test of character.\n
{Courageous_effects_desc}군대의 사기 +3
{Inspirationally_Brave_desc}A truly fearless warrior that has been through too much to fear any one man or moment. He is an inspiration.\n
{Inspirationally_Brave_effects_desc}권위 +2\n군대의 사기 +4
{Has_no_Fear}공포의 극복
{Has_no_Fear_desc}Somewhere there is a line between bravery and foolishness… This man has crossed that line many times.\n
{Has_no_Fear_gain_desc}This man is now lauded as a hero by all - an inspiration to those he leads into battle!
{Has_no_Fear_epithet_desc}두려움을 모르는자
{Has_no_Fear_effects_desc}권위 +2\n군대의 사기 +2
{Faltering_Courage}부족한 용기
{Faltering_Courage_desc}Has shown more concern for his personal safety on the battlefield that a commander should.\n
{Faltering_Courage_gain_desc}This man has finally - and accurately - been accused of running away from the enemy!
{Faltering_Courage_lose_desc}Although this man has run from battle in the past, his stain of cowardice is now washed away.
{Faltering_Courage_effects_desc}군대의 사기 -1
{Fears_Conflict}분쟁에 대한 공포
{Fears_Conflict_desc}A man who fears getting hurt should not be leading men into battle.\n
{Fears_Conflict_effects_desc}군대의 사기 -2
{Cowardly_desc}Known to run as soon as there is a threat to his person, this man is now openly referred to as a coward.\n
{Cowardly_effects_desc}군대의 사기 -3
{Slave_to_Fear}두려움의 노예
{Slave_to_Fear_desc}Even the meekest of men jeer at this man's lack of spine. He belongs in a nursery, not a battlefield.\n
{Slave_to_Fear_effects_desc}군대의 사기 -4
{Lazy_desc}Inactivity would be this man's favourite pastime, if he could find the energy.\n
{Lazy_effects_desc}이동 거리 -5% (reduces the distance armies can march)\n불이익 2% 세금 소득
{Too_Comfortable}지나친 편안
{Too_Comfortable_desc}Has become too accustomed to having others do things for him.\n
{Too_Comfortable_effects_desc}이동 거리 -10% (reduces the distance armies can march)\n불이익 5% 세금 소득
{Slothful_desc}Sleeps far too much, and does little that anyone could call work.\n
{Slothful_effects_desc}권위 -1\n이동 거리 -15% (reduces the distance armies can march)\n불이익 10% 세금 소득
{Indolent_Lump_desc}A self indulgent, tubby lump of inactivity. Lacks any sense of life or ambition.\n
{Indolent_Lump_effects_desc}권위 -2\n이동 거리 -20% (reduces the distance armies can march)\n불이익 5% 세금 소득
{Eager_desc}그는 자기 활동을 선호한다.\n
{Eager_effects_desc}이동 거리 +10% (gives armies the ability to forced march)
{Energetic_desc}그는 가급적 쉬지 않는다.\n
{Energetic_effects_desc}이동 거리 +15% (gives armies the ability to forced march)
{Driven_desc}그는 자신의 야망을 실현하기 위해 방해되는 것들을 허락하지 않는다.\n
{Driven_effects_desc}권위 +1\n이동 거리 +20% (gives armies the ability to forced march)
{Blessed_With_Vigor}축복받은 활력
{Blessed_With_Vigor_desc}Has insatiable energy and drive to achieve his goals, but finds it somewhat difficult to relax.\n
{Blessed_With_Vigor_effects_desc}권위 +2\n이동 거리 +25% (gives armies the ability to forced march)
{Nervous_of_Outsiders}외부인들에대한 불안감
{Nervous_of_Outsiders_desc}This man is suspicious of those from distant lands. After all, why do they look, sound and act differently?\n
{Nervous_of_Outsiders_effects_desc}공공 질서 +1 (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents)
{Distrusts_Foreigners}외부인들에대한 불신
{Distrusts_Foreigners_desc}One to make snide remarks about peoples of other lands, without any grounds or reason.\n
{Distrusts_Foreigners_effects_desc}공공 질서 +2 (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents)
{Total_Bigot_desc}This man is utterly intolerant of anything from outside his own homeland.\n
{Total_Bigot_effects_desc}공공 질서 +3 (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents)
{Tolerant_to_Foreigners}외부인들에대한 아량
{Tolerant_to_Foreigners_desc}Shows those from abroad all of the courtesy and respect he would show his own.\n
{Tolerant_to_Foreigners_effects_desc}공공 질서 -1 (reduces the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents)
{Welcomes_Outlanders}외부인들에대한 환영
{Welcomes_Outlanders_desc}Known for the warm welcome he extends to those from other places, and the respect he offers while travelling himself.\n
{Welcomes_Outlanders_effects_desc}공공 질서 -2 (reduces the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents)
{Fascinated_by_Foreigners}외부인들에대한 호감
{Fascinated_by_Foreigners_desc}This man is in love with foreign customs, lore and ways. Though it does offer him broad perspective, it brings into question his loyalties at times.\n
{Fascinated_by_Foreigners_effects_desc}공공 질서 -3 (reduces the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents)
{Religiously_Improper}부적절한 신앙심
{Religiously_Improper_desc}Poorly masks his disdain for obedience.\n
{Religiously_Improper_effects_desc}복종 -2\n불안 +1 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Humanist_desc}More interested in his own affairs than the governance of cities or the commands of his lord.\n
{Humanist_effects_desc}복종 -4\n불안 +2 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Athiest_desc}Believes his own interests far outweigh the petty concerns of the realm.\n
{Athiest_effects_desc}-6 Opedience\n불안 +3 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Despises_Religion}완전히 자기밖에 모르는 독선자
{Despises_Religion_desc}It has been so long since this man was reprimanded for his lack of obedience that he has entirely forgotten his duties. He has gone beyond ignoring the needs of the realm to actively flaunting his disobedience.\n
{Despises_Religion_effects_desc}복종 -8\n불안 +4 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Religiously_Proper}타당한 신앙심
{Religiously_Proper_desc}This man obediently attends to his lord's commands.\n
{Religiously_Proper_effects_desc}+1 Obedience, Law +1 (공공질서 개선)
{Religiously_Minded_desc}This man has shown that he values the needs of his lord and the realm.\n
{Religiously_Minded_effects_desc}복종 +2\n법질서 +2 (공공질서 개선)
{Religiously_Devout_desc}Obedient enough to be considered a true supporter of his lord.\n
{Religiously_Devout_effects_desc}복종 +3\법질서 +3 (공공질서 개선)
{Pious_Ruler}경건한 지도자
{Pious_Ruler_desc}As obedient as one can ever be expected to be, this man is a great asset to his lord.
{Pious_Ruler_epithet_desc}경견한 지도자
{Pious_Ruler_effects_desc}+4 복종, 법질서 +4 (공공질서 개선)
{Budding_Bureaucrat}신예 관료
{Budding_Bureaucrat_desc}재정 문제 및 관리에 있어서 그는 효과적으로 통치하는 법을 알고 있다.\n
{Budding_Bureaucrat_effects_desc}+4% 무역 소득\n법질서 +1 (공공질서 개선)
{Skilled_Bureaucrat}숙련된 관료
{Skilled_Bureaucrat_desc}그는 복잡한 행정문제를 효과적으로 처리할 수 있다.\n
{Skilled_Bureaucrat_effects_desc}무역 소득 +8%\n법질서 +2 (공공질서 개선)
{Superb_Administrator}최고의 행정관
{Superb_Administrator_desc}그는 도시 국가문제를 관리할 수 있는 강력한 총재이다.\n
{Superb_Administrator_effects_desc}무역 소득 +12%\n법질서 +3 (공공질서 개선)
{Poor_Administrator}서툰 재정 관리인
{Poor_Administrator_desc}Not one with whom to entrust a complicated civil problem.\n
{Poor_Administrator_effects_desc}무역 소득 -3%
{Inefficient_Administrator}무능한 행정관
{Inefficient_Administrator_desc}Sloppy with paperwork and government issues, this man makes a poor governor.\n
{Inefficient_Administrator_effects_desc}무역 소득 -5%
{Total_Incompetence}완전한 무능력자
{Total_Incompetence_desc}Utterly clueless in administrative roles, this man often chooses to simply make something up when asked questions.\n
{Total_Incompetence_effects_desc}무역소득 -10%
{Can_Tell_a_Tale_desc}Able to hold an audience well enough when trying to get a story or message across.\n
{Can_Tell_a_Tale_effects_desc}법질서 +1 (공공질서 개선)
{Great Speaker}탁월한 연설가
{Great_Speaker_desc}Capable of inspiring tears or cries of joy when addressing a group of men on a serious matter.\n
{Great_Speaker_effects_desc}법질서 +1 (공공질서 개선)\n군대의 사기 +1
{Inspirational_Speaker}고무적인 연설가
{Inspirational_Speaker_desc}When this man speaks, other men become better than themselves, ready to live or die for his cause.\n
{Inspirational_Speaker_effects_desc}법질서 +2 (공공질서 개선)\n군대의 사기 +2\n지휘력 +1
{Poor_Speaker}어눌한 화술
{Poor_Speaker_desc}그는 스 발음을 상습적으로 th 발음으로 하는 편입니다.\n
{Poor_Speaker_effects_desc}권위 -1
{Awkward_Speaker}서툰 연설가
{Awkward_Speaker_desc}그의 발언은 마치 아침조회 시간 한마디만 더 하겠다는 교장 선생님이 떠오릅니다.\n
{Awkward_Speaker_effects_desc}권위 -1\n군대의 사기 -1
{Incredibly_Boring}엄청난 지루함
{Incredibly_Boring_desc}그는 분명 아침조회 시간에 나왔던 바로 그 교장선생님이 확실합니다.\n
{Incredibly_Boring_effects_desc}권위 -2\n군대의 사기 -2
{Well_Spoken}상당한 화술
{Well_Spoken_desc}그의 말을 집중해서 듣다보면 웬지 사고 싶어 지는 물건이 있습니다.\n
{Well_Spoken_effects_desc}권위 +1
{Stylish_Debater}멋진 토론자
{Stylish_Debater_desc}Articulate in his speech and elocution, a rare quality that ends many debates with less polished people.\n
{Stylish_Debater_effects_desc}권위 +2
{Prone_to_Rhetoric_desc}His ability to bedazzle with flowery language and words is clear... As is the annoyance some show with his pompous rants.\n
{Prone_to_Rhetoric_effects_desc}권위 +2\n불안 +2
{Talent_with_Numbers}계산의 재능
{Talent_with_Numbers_desc}Has a better grasp of numbers than most thanks to his scholastic efforts.\n
{Talent_with_Numbers_effects_desc}건설 점수 +10 (required for the construction of siege equipment)\n보너스 5% 무역 소득
{Good_at_Math}뛰어난 수학능력
{Good_at_Math_desc}그는 학창시절 함수시간에 전혀 졸지 않았습니다.\n
{Good_at_Math_effects_desc}지휘력 +1 공성전투 시\n건설 점수 +20 (required for the construction of siege equipment)\n보너스 10% 무역 소득
{Mathematician_desc}그는 각 도시별 소득정보창에 관심이 많으며 공성전투 시 아군궁병들의 화살이 어느부대를 격파하고 모두 소모될지 조차 알고 있습니다.\n
{Mathematician_effects_desc}지휘력 +2 공성전투 시\n건설 점수+30 (required for the construction of siege equipment)\n보너스 5% 무역 소득
{Political_Promise}정치적인 공약
{Political_Promise_desc}Showing interest and promise in the deadly games of politics.\n
{Political_Promise_effects_desc}권위 +1
{Political_Animal}정치적인 음모자
{Political_Animal_desc}Few savour the world of politics but this man has a love for the deals and schemes of kingdoms.\n
{Political_Animal_effects_desc}충성도 -1\n권위 +1
{Perfect_Politician}완벽한 정치인
{Perfect_Politician_desc}사실 제일 나쁜놈들입니다.\n
{Perfect_Politician_effects_desc}충성도 -2\n권위 +2
{Instigator_desc}Often the first man to say something to start a heated debate, but not always the one to finish it.\n
{Instigator_effects_desc}인기 +1 (공공질서 개선)
{Agitator}여론 선동가
{Agitator_desc}Able to inspire malcontent feelings within an audience.\n
{Agitator_effects_desc}인기 +2 (공공질서 개선)
{Provoker}군중 선동가
{Provoker_desc}Can rouse a group of downtrodden folk with words of strength and determination that are not too flowery or noble.\n
{Provoker_effects_desc}권위 +1\n인기 +3 (공공질서 개선)\n불안 +1 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Leader_of_the_Mob}군중들의 우두머리
{Leader_of_the_Mob_desc}The kind of man who can champion the people with words, their belief in his ability and ideals is absolute.\n
{Leader_of_the_Mob_effects_desc}권위 +2\n인기 +4 (공공질서 개선)\n불안 +2 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Refined_Tastes}세련된 취미
{Refined_Tastes_desc}Able to appreciate the better things in life properly.\n
{Refined_Tastes_effects_desc}Bonus of 2% 무역 소득\nDecrease of 10% of the Cost to Bribe
{Expensive_Tastes}사치스러운 취향
{Expensive_Tastes_desc}This man's taste is not in question, but its extravagance sometimes is.\n
{Expensive_Tastes_effects_desc}Bonus of 5% 무역 소득\nDecrease of 20% of the Cost to Bribe
{Exotic_Tastes}이국적 취향
{Exotic_Tastes_desc}Almost obsessive about finding the finest things the world has to offer.\n
{Exotic_Tastes_effects_desc}Bonus of 10% 무역 소득\nDecrease of 30% of the Cost to Bribe
{Reserved}적은 말수
{Reserved_desc}Doesn't let his emotions show, making him at least appear calm in crisis.\n
{Reserved_effects_desc}Increase of 100% of the Cost to Bribe
{Stone_Faced}굳은 심지
{Stone_Faced_desc}Cold and hard enough never to blink in the face of adversity. A little grim and imposing to face.\n
{Stone_Faced_effects_desc}충성도 +1\nIncrease of 200% of the Cost to Bribe
{Utterly_Stoic}완전한 금욕주의자
{Utterly_Stoic_desc}그는 절대 우리가 되지 말아야할 것이 되고야 말았습니다.\n
{Utterly_Stoic_effects_desc}충성도 +2\nIncrease of 300% of the Cost to Bribe
{Severe_desc}This man's basic manner and lifestyle lean towards being severe and unforgiving.\n
{Severe_effects_desc}Increase of 100% of the Cost to Bribe\n보너스 2% 세금 소득
{Austere_desc}This man is not interested in luxuries or beautification. Restraint is the path to perfection!\n
{Austere_effects_desc}충성도 +1\nIncrease of 200% of the Cost to Bribe\n보너스 5% 세금 소득
{Severely_Austere}엄격한 금욕주의자
{Severely_Austere_desc}This man is a bastion of self restraint and purity, in a manner that is overbearing and boorish.\n
{Severely_Austere_effects_desc}충성도 +2\nIncrease of 300% of the Cost to Bribe\n보너스 10% 세금 소득
{An_Eye_for_Beauty}미에 대한 관심
{An_Eye_for_Beauty_desc}그는 가끔 앞서가는 병사의 방패가 이뻐보인다며 자기방패와 바꾸려 합니다.\n
{An_Eye_for_Beauty_effects_desc}지휘력 -1
{Admirer_of_Beauty}미의 경배자
{Admirer_of_Beauty_desc}Actively seeks to gaze upon things of true beauty, and possess them if possible.\n
{Admirer_of_Beauty_effects_desc}지휘력 -2\nDecrease of 10% of the Cost to Bribe\n불결함 -1 (Increases Public Order and Population Growth)
{Aesthete_desc}Seeks a paradise where nothing is displeasing to the eye. In love with beauty itself.\n
{Aesthete_effects_desc}지휘력 -3\nDecrease of 20% of the Cost to Bribe\n불결함 -2 (Increases Public Order and Population Growth)
{Ignorant_desc}그는 구구단을 제대로 외우지 못했습니다.\n
{Ignorant_effects_desc}권위 -1\n불이익 2% 무역 소득\n불이익 2% 세금 소득
{Sadly_Ignorant}딱할 정도의 무식
{Sadly_Ignorant_desc}그는 사우론과 사루만이 형제인지 알고 있습니다.\n
{Sadly_Ignorant_effects_desc}권위 -1\n불이익 5% 무역 소득\n불이익 5% 세금 소득
{Blissfully_Ignorant}완전한 무지
{Blissfully_Ignorant_desc}It is a wonder one so ignorant can manage to have lived as long as this clueless dolt has.\n
{Blissfully_Ignorant_effects_desc}권위 -2\n불이익 10% 무역 소득\n불이익 10% 세금 소득
{Enjoys_a_Wager}노름 중독
{Enjoys_a_Wager_desc}Prepared to stake a sizable amount of money on something, if the wager and occasion are right.\n
{Enjoys_a_Wager_effects_desc}불이익 5% 무역 소득\nDecrease of 10% of the Cost to Bribe
{Gambler_desc}Enjoys the thrill of chance enough to indulge in it regularly. Often to the detriment of his coffers.\n
{Gambler_effects_desc}불이익 10% 무역 소득\nDecrease of 20% of the Cost to Bribe
{Problem_Gambler}문제있는 도박쟁이
{Problem_Gambler_desc}His gambling has become a problem that is larger than he can afford. He is convinced he will redeem his losses soon… but his friends are not.\n
{Problem_Gambler_effects_desc}불이익 5% 무역 소득\nDecrease of 30% of the Cost to Bribe
{Slave_to_Luck}운의 노예
{Slave_to_Luck_desc}Completely unable to resist a chance to stake a bet on the outcome of almost anything - he has become a money pit.\n
{Slave_to_Luck_effects_desc}불이익 20% 무역 소득\nDecrease of 40% of the Cost to Bribe
{Unconcerned_desc}This man is reasonably sure that someone is assigned to guard him, and that they are undoubtedly good at their job.\n
{Unconcerned_effects_desc}개인 보안 -1 (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination)
{Lacks_Caution}조심성 부족
{Lacks_Caution_desc}Simply doesn't really believe that a grim or tragic fate will befall him.\n
{Lacks_Caution_effects_desc}개인 보안 -2 (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination)
{No_Sense_of_Mortality_desc}Cannot fathom the notion that he may meet an untimely death, regardless of the obvious risks that come with his position.\n
{No_Sense_of_Mortality_effects_desc}개인 보안 -4 (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination)
{Mindful_of_Risks_desc}Realises that he should be careful not to trust everyone he comes into contact with.\n
{Mindful_of_Risks_effects_desc}개인 보안 +1 (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
{Healthy_Caution}건강한 주의력
{Healthy_Caution_desc}Aware that a little vigilance is necessary, even in one's own home.\n
{Healthy_Caution_effects_desc}개인 보안 +2 (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
{Morbidly_Mortal_desc}Is either extremely paranoid, or is simply a believer that one can never have enough safeguards against an assassin's blade.\n
{Morbidly_Mortal_effects_desc}개인 보안 +3 (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
{Naive_desc}This man is simply a bit too innocent to understand why others would ever do anything that underhanded.\n
{Naive_effects_desc}개인 보안 -1 (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination)
{Trusting_desc}It is in this man's nature to believe that a stranger is simply a brother he does not know very well yet.\n
{Trusting_effects_desc}개인 보안 -2 (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination)
{Overly_Trusting}과도한 신임
{Overly_Trusting_desc}Utterly naive and ignorant to the perils that lie in other people, and an easy target for any plot or scheme.\n
{Overly_Trusting_effects_desc}개인 보안 -3 (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination)
{Slow_to_Trust_desc}Takes considerable time with someone before believing their intentions to be as they claim.\n
{Slow_to_Trust_effects_desc}개인 보안 +1 (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
{Overly_Suspicious}과도한 의심
{Overly_Suspicious_desc}Suspicious of unseen plots and dreaded fates, many of which are obviously untrue.\n
{Overly_Suspicious_effects_desc}개인 보안 +2 (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
{Paranoid_desc}Typically believes that others are out to get him, afraid of the intentions others have towards him - they must be dastardly!\n
{Paranoid_effects_desc}지휘력 -1\n권위 -1\n개인 보안 +3 (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
{Completely_Paranoid}심각한 편집증
{Completely_Paranoid_desc}Utterly unable to relax or trust anyone, this man is a total wreck, afraid of possibility itself.\n
{Completely_Paranoid_effects_desc}지휘력 -2\n권위 -2\n개인 보안 +4 (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
{Avoids_the_Truth_desc}Not a terrible liar, but commonly avoids telling the necessary truths.\n
{Avoids_the_Truth_effects_desc}권위 +1
{Bends_the_Truth_desc}Prepared to add a little poetic license to his tales to get the message he wants across.\n
{Bends_the_Truth_effects_desc}권위 -1
{Liar_desc}The truth is often ugly, and this man means to hide it - especially if it involves his own antics.\n
{Liar_effects_desc}권위 -2
{Pathological_Liar_desc}Simply cannot resist the urge to embellish or mislead others. He even lies to himself about the nature of this problem.\n
{Pathological_Liar_effects_desc}권위 -3
{Deep_Pockets_desc}Has made a habit of finding ways to acquire money that other people will not realise should be theirs.\n
{Deep_Pockets_effects_desc}불이익 10% 세금 소득
{Fraudulent_desc}This man is prepared to mask his movements and mislead others to bolster his own personal fortune.\n
{Fraudulent_effects_desc}불이익 20% 세금 소득
{Embezzler}공금 횡령
{Embezzler_desc}Has both the raw nerve and skilful cunning to take more than his share from those he answers to.\n
{Embezzler_effects_desc}불이익 30% 세금 소득
{Convincing_desc}Understands the basic principles of how to craft a lie, avoiding over embellishment.\n
{Convincing_effects_desc}충성도 -1\n권위 +1
{Deceptive_desc}This man can hold himself in such a manner that others find it very difficult to glean when he is lying.\n
{Deceptive_effects_desc}충성도 -2\n권위 +2
{Total_Deceiver}총체적 기만
{Total_Deceiver_desc}Creates a myriad of half-truths and plausible tales to mislead others, and is exceptional at doing so.\n
{Total_Deceiver_effects_desc}충성도 -3\n권위 +3
{Honest_desc}Generally will choose the path of honesty and righteousness.\n
{Honest_effects_desc}충성도 +1\nIncrease of 100% of the Cost to Bribe\n법질서 +2 (공공질서 개선)
{Trustworthy_desc}Can be relied upon to tell the truth, even when he would have good reason to hide it.\n
{Trustworthy_effects_desc}충성도 +2\nIncrease of 200% of the Cost to Bribe\n법질서 +4 (공공질서 개선)
{Utterly_Immaculate_desc}Doing the right thing is core to this man's beliefs - he is too proud of his character to succumb to worldly vices.\n
{Utterly_Immaculate_effects_desc}충성도 +3\nIncrease of 300% of the Cost to Bribe\n법질서 +6 (공공질서 개선)
{Dubious_desc}Capable of bringing himself to commit rather shameful acts.\n
{Dubious_effects_desc}Decrease of 20% of the Cost to Bribe\n불이익 10% 세금 소득\n법질서 -1 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Underhanded_desc}Unafraid of resorting to lowly acts to realise his ambitions.\n
{Underhanded_effects_desc}충성도 -1\nDecrease of 40% of the Cost to Bribe\n불이익 20% 세금 소득\n법질서 -2 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Corrupt_desc}Devoid of conscience, this man is only interested in what is possible, unconcerned about what is deemed proper.\n
{Corrupt_effects_desc}충성도 -2\nDecrease of 60% of the Cost to Bribe\n불이익 30% 세금 소득\n법질서 -3 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Firm_Ruler}대쪽같은 지배자
{Firm_Ruler_desc}This man believes that exerting 권위 is necessary to maintain order.\n
{Firm_Ruler_effects_desc}불안 +1 (has a negative effect on Public Order)\n법질서 +2 (공공질서 개선)
{Strict_Ruler}엄격한 통치자
{Strict_Ruler_desc}This man will not tolerate excuses - It is the people's duty to respect the 권위 of the rules laid out before them.\n
{Strict_Ruler_effects_desc}권위 +1\n불안 +2 (has a negative effect on Public Order)\n법질서 +4 (공공질서 개선)
{Total_Authoritarian}완전한 독재자
{Total_Authoritarian_desc}Believes that rigid law and order are both an absolute necessity, oppressively so.\n
{Total_Authoritarian_effects_desc}권위 +2\n불안 +3 (has a negative effect on Public Order)\n법질서 +6 (공공질서 개선)
{Fair_Ruler}타당한 통치자
{Fair_Ruler_desc}Sees little use in oppressing the people simply because he has opportunity to do so.\n
{Fair_Ruler_effects_desc}불안 -2 (공공질서 개선)\n법질서 -1 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Understanding_Ruler}공정한 통치차
{Understanding_Ruler_desc}Aware that heavy-handed treatment of the common people's indiscretions only leads to resentment and unrest.\n
{Understanding_Ruler_effects_desc}권위 -1\n불안 -4 (공공질서 개선)\n법질서 -2 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Liberal_Leader}자유해방의 영웅
{Liberal_Leader_desc}A firm believer that allowing the people their personal freedoms makes for a more prosperous society.\n
{Liberal_Leader_epithet_desc}자유해방의 영웅
{Liberal_Leader_effects_desc}권위 -2\n불안 -6 (공공질서 개선)\n법질서 -3 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Speaks_of_Loyalty}흔들리는 충성심
{Speaks_of_Loyalty_desc}충성도 is a quality about which this man often speaks but rarely displays.\n
{Speaks_of_Loyalty_effects_desc}충성도 -1
{Mixed_Loyalties}혼란스러운 충성심
{Mixed_Loyalties_desc}Wrestles with the problems of trying to serve his own interests, as well as that of his superiors.\n
{Mixed_Loyalties_effects_desc}공포 +1\n충성도 -2
{Disloyal_desc}Quite apparent that this man cares little for the interests of his superiors.\n
{Disloyal_effects_desc}공포 +2\n충성도 -3
{Actively_Disloyal}심각한 불충
{Actively_Disloyal_desc}This man utterly resents notions of loyalty and servitude, to the point his betrayals are an inevitability.\n
{Actively_Disloyal_effects_desc}공포 +3\n충성도 -4
{Generally_Loyal}충실한 장군
{Generally_Loyal_desc}Typically does the right things by those he has pledged to serve.\n
{Generally_Loyal_effects_desc}충성도 +1
{Loyal_desc}Only the most difficult of situations would make this man forsake his master.\n
{Loyal_effects_desc}존경 +1\n충성도 +2
{Very_Loyal}굉장한 충성심
{Very_Loyal_desc}This man prides himself upon being unquestioningly loyal, looking down at those who cannot live so honourably.\n
{Very_Loyal_effects_desc}존경 +2\n충성도 +3
{Loyal_Beyond_Question}의심할 여지 없는 충성심
{Loyal_Beyond_Question_desc}Thoughts of betrayal do not enter this man's mind, it is not something he is capable of.\n
{Loyal_Beyond_Question_effects_desc}존경 +3\n충성도 +4
{Stretches_Loyalties}늘어진 충성심
{Stretches_Loyalties_desc}Has some talent for making men question the merits of their masters.\n
{Stretches_Loyalties_effects_desc}Decrease of 10% in the Cost to Bribe (increases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
{Breaks_Loyalties}깨어진 충성심
{Breaks_Loyalties_desc}Very good at exposing any lingering resentment men have for those to whom they answer.\n
{Breaks_Loyalties_effects_desc}Decrease of 20% in the Cost to Bribe (increases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
{Changes_Loyalties_desc}So great at skewing perceptions that he could convince a man to betray one he loves for one he despises.\n
{Changes_Loyalties_effects_desc}Decrease of 30% in the Cost to Bribe (increases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
{Trouble_at_Home_desc}Though nobody speaks to him of it, plenty of people whisper rumours of his wife having a secret love.\n
{Trouble_at_Home_effects_desc}권위 -1
{Cuckold}바람피는 아내
{Cuckold_desc}This man's wife has been seen showing affections to other men that all but prove her infidelity.\n
{Cuckold_effects_desc}권위 -2
{Laughing_Stock_desc}This man's inability to do much about his wife's open conquests of other men makes him the butt of many a joke.\n
{Laughing_Stock_effects_desc}권위 -3
{Lacks_Manhood}남성성 결핍
{Lacks_Manhood_desc}So short on self respect is this man that those who bed his wife openly laugh about it to his face... Just before passing water on his shoes.\n
{Lacks_Manhood_effects_desc}권위 -4
{Farming_Knowledge}농업 지식
{Farming_Knowledge_desc}Has a grasp of how to work the land, having overseen the establishment of several farming districts.\n
{Farming_Knowledge_effects_desc}농업 생산량 +1
{Rural_Expert}농촌 전문가
{Rural_Expert_desc}Boasts a sound understanding of how to manage farming districts to produce a yield capable of supporting many people.\n
{Rural_Expert_effects_desc}농업 생산량 +2
{Agriculturalist}농업 전문가
{Agriculturalist_desc}This man's interest in farming has grown into a serious study, one he believes can ensure prosperity for all of his people.\n
{Agriculturalist_effects_desc}농업 생산량 +3
{Mining_Knowledge}광업 지식
{Mining_Knowledge_desc}Has made a point of learning the basic principles of mining.\n
{Mining_Knowledge_effects_desc}광산 생산량 +10%
{Mining_Expert}채광 전문가
{Mining_Expert_desc}Has been involved with establishing enough mining operations to be capable of improving any given mine's efficiency.\n
{Mining_Expert_effects_desc}광산 생산량 +20%
{Geologist_desc}Has developed a passion for understanding the lay of the land, and how to locate rich seams of metallic ore.\n
{Geologist_effects_desc}광산 생산량 +30%
{Admires_Technology}기술에 대한 경배
{Admires_Technology_desc}Finds machinery fascinating, and has a better grasp than most as to apply the use of technology in battle.\n
{Admires_Technology_effects_desc}건설 점수 +20 (required for the construction of siege equipment)
{Mechanically_Minded}기계적인 사고방식
{Mechanically_Minded_desc}This man has made a point of learning the principles of machinery, and how to maintain and tune siege artillery.\n
{Mechanically_Minded_effects_desc}지휘력 +1 when assaulting walls\n건설 점수 +40 (required for the construction of siege equipment)
{Engineer_desc}Considered a qualified military engineer, this man is an expert at ensuring he can get the absolute most out of his siege artillery.\n
{Engineer_gain_desc}This man now has matchless technical expertise in siege warfare.
{Engineer_effects_desc}지휘력 +2 when assaulting walls\n건설 점수 +60 (required for the construction of siege equipment)
{Questions_Technology}공성에 대한 이해부족
{Questions_Technology_desc}Why dwell upon building a machine to do a man's job? Men can learn from their mistakes, but a machine can only repeat them!\n
{Questions_Technology_effects_desc}지휘력 -1 when assaulting walls
{Befuddled_by_Machines_desc}So confused by the workings of siege machinery that he simply doesn't grasp their potential.\n
{Befuddled_by_Machines_effects_desc}지휘력 -2 when assaulting walls
{Distrusts_Evil_Machinery!}망할 공성병기들
{Distrusts_Evil_Machinery!_desc}This simpleton believes that machines are not to be trusted, and that any reliance upon them is a shameful weakness.\n
{Distrusts_Evil_Machinery!_effects_desc}지휘력 -3 when assaulting walls
{Understands_Trade}교역에 대한 이해
{Understands_Trade_desc}Has a firm grasp of how trade and mercantile industries operate.\n
{Understands_Trade_effects_desc}Bonus of 10% to 무역 소득
{Trader_desc}Has become actively involved in the process of trade, experiencing the thrills and perils of the mercantile world first hand.\n
{Trader_effects_desc}Bonus of 20% to 무역 소득
{Master_Trader}교역의 대가
{Master_Trader_desc}This man actively supports trade industries, believing a thriving trade network to be the backbone of a thriving empire.\n
{Master_Trader_effects_desc}Bonus of 30% to 무역 소득
{Fiscally_Challenged}회계상의 이의제기
{Fiscally_Challenged_desc}Simply isn't any good at spotting problems in an urban trade system.\n
{Fiscally_Challenged_effects_desc}불이익 10% 무역 소득
{Incompetent_Trader}무능한 무역업자
{Incompetent_Trader_desc}Either disinterested or simply pathetic at dealing with trade affairs.\n
{Incompetent_Trader_effects_desc}불이익 20% 무역 소득
{Trading_Liability}무역에 대한 채무
{Trading_Liability_desc}So poor with coin himself, this man avoids markets and does nothing to support local trade at all.\n
{Trading_Liability_effects_desc}불이익 30% 무역 소득
{A_Sense_of_Justice}정의로운 정신
{A_Sense_of_Justice_desc}This man's sense of justice is evident when he speaks on matters both legal and moral.\n
{A_Sense_of_Justice_effects_desc}존경 +1\n법질서 +1 (공공질서 개선)
{Just_desc}A genuinely just man, fair and even handed in judgement.\n
{Just_effects_desc}존경 +2\n법질서 +2 (공공질서 개선)
{Serves_Justice}정의를 위한 봉사
{Serves_Justice_desc}Known far and wide as a man that will do everything in his power to see justice done.\n
{Serves_Justice_epithet_desc}정의의 투사
{Serves_Justice_effects_desc}존경 +3\n법질서 +3 (공공질서 개선)
{Swift_to_Judge}조급한 판결
{Swift_to_Judge_desc}Makes hasty and often unfair decisions over the people.\n
{Swift_to_Judge_effects_desc}불안 +1 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Lacks_Justice}정의감의 결여
{Lacks_Justice_desc}Doesn't really see the merit of justice, it is simply in the way of expedient rule.\n
{Lacks_Justice_effects_desc}공포 +1\n불안 +2 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Unjust_desc}A champion of all that is wrong, his judgements utterly mock pleas for a just result.\n
{Unjust_effects_desc}공포 +3\n불안 +3 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Hard_Justice}가혹한 처벌
{Hard_Justice_desc}States that justice is about crime, and crime is about punishment. Thus, justice is about punishment.\n
{Hard_Justice_effects_desc}불안 +1 (has a negative effect on Public Order)\n법질서 +2 (공공질서 개선)
{Harsh_Justice}무자비한 처벌
{Harsh_Justice_desc}Believes that if punishment is not being administered on a regular basis, then crime will spread unchecked!\n
{Harsh_Justice_effects_desc}불안 +2 (has a negative effect on Public Order)\n법질서 +4 (공공질서 개선)
{Severe_Justice}가차없는 처벌
{Severe_Justice_desc}Has no qualms about terrorising the populace with fear of brutal punishment should they ever run afoul of the law.\n
{Severe_Justice_effects_desc}공포 +1\n불안 +3 (has a negative effect on Public Order)\n법질서 +6 (공공질서 개선)
{Soft_Judge}온화한 판결
{Soft_Judge_desc}Finds it easy to be forgiving of crimes not borne of malice.\n
{Soft_Judge_effects_desc}존경 +1\n법질서 -1 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Merciful_Judge}자비로운 판결
{Merciful_Judge_desc}Believes that the people will believe in justice when justice is shown to contain mercy.\n
{Merciful_Judge_effects_desc}존경 +2\n법질서 -2 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Kind_Judge}인정많은 판결
{Kind_Judge_desc}Would probably let murderers go with a warning were it not for the people's expectations of a more permanent punishment.\n
{Kind_Judge_effects_desc}존경 +1\n법질서 -3 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Iron_Fisted}철권 통치
{Iron_Fisted_desc}Rules with an iron fist - it is the lot of the common people to serve him. He enjoys reminding them of this.\n
{Iron_Fisted_effects_desc}공포 +1\n법질서 +1 (공공질서 개선)
{Harsh_Ruler}잔혹한 지배자
{Harsh_Ruler_desc}그는 닥치는 대로 때려부시면서 점령했고 포로들을 학살하길 즐겼습니다.\n
{Harsh_Ruler_effects_desc}공포 +2\n불결함 +1 (decreases population growth and public order)\n법질서 +2 (공공질서 개선)
{Cruel_Ruler_desc}Actually enjoys the act of making those under his dominion suffer, so that they may fear and respect their master.\n
{Cruel_Ruler_effects_desc}공포 +3\n불결함 +2 (decreases population growth and public order)\n법질서 +3 (공공질서 개선)
{Reasonable_Ruler}분별력있는 통치자
{Reasonable_Ruler_desc}Understood to wish prosperity for all of his people, and to be a very reasonable leader.\n
{Reasonable_Ruler_effects_desc}존경 +1\n불결함 -1 (Increases Public Order and Population Growth)
{Kind_Ruler}인정많은 지배자
{Kind_Ruler_desc}Has developed a reputation as a kind hearted ruler, with the people's interests in mind.\n
{Kind_Ruler_effects_desc}존경 +2\n불결함 -2 (Increases Public Order and Population Growth)
{Benevolent_Ruler}자비로운 군주
{Benevolent_Ruler_desc}Devoted to improving the quality of lives in those under his rule. If anything, a servant to his people.\n
{Benevolent_Ruler_epithet_desc}자비로운 군주
{Benevolent_Ruler_effects_desc}존경 +3\n불결함 -3 (Increases Public Order and Population Growth)
{Active_Builder}적극적인 건축가
{Active_Builder_desc}Enjoys the process of improving the infrastructure of a settlement. He likes to build.\n
{Active_Builder_effects_desc}건설 비용 -5%\n불결함 -1 (Increases Public Order and Population Growth)
{Urban_Planner}도시 계획자
{Urban_Planner_desc}A wise choice of man to call in to a settlement in need of new key structures. He revels in construction projects.\n
{Urban_Planner_effects_desc}건설 비용 -10%\n불결함 -2 (Increases Public Order and Population Growth)
{Great_Builder}위대한 건축가
{Great_Builder_desc}Has left a legacy in stone that is sure to endure. He inspires his workers to complete great buildings with even greater efficiency.\n
{Great_Builder_epithet_desc}위대한 건축가
{Great_Builder_effects_desc}건설 비용 -15%\n불결함 -3 (Increases Public Order and Population Growth)
{Not_Constructive}소극적인 건설
{Not_Constructive_desc}Is not one to take the initiative to oversee the construction of a new building. He may require some reminding.\n
{Not_Constructive_effects_desc}건설 비용 +5%\n불결함 +1 (decreases population growth and public order)
{Sloppy_Builder}불성실한 건축가
{Sloppy_Builder_desc}Not at all focused on the process of urban development, this man makes mistakes when it comes to financing a new building.\n
{Sloppy_Builder_effects_desc}건설 비용 +10%\n불결함 +2 (decreases population growth and public order)
{Abhors_Construction}건축에 대한 거부감
{Abhors_Construction_desc}This man hates little more than commissioning the construction of a new building. He does so poorly as a result.\n
{Abhors_Construction_effects_desc}건설 비용 +15%\n불결함 +3 (decreases population growth and public order)
{Generous_desc}Has no problem in parting with his coin for those in greater need. It will help them more after all.\n
{Generous_effects_desc}불이익 2% 세금 소득
{Openly_Giving}공공연한 기부
{Openly_Giving_desc}Freely giving of his wealth and possessions, and when possible, his time.\n
{Openly_Giving_effects_desc}불이익 2% 무역 소득\n불이익 5% 세금 소득
{Overly_Generous}지나친 관대함
{Overly_Generous_desc}This man's generosity is so great that is more of a liability than it is endearing.\n
{Overly_Generous_effects_desc}불이익 5% 무역 소득\n불이익 10% 세금 소득
{Mean_with_Money_desc}Uncomfortable with letting go of money unless it is sure to bring a worthy return.\n
{Mean_with_Money_effects_desc}세금 소득 +2%\n불결함 +1 (decreases population growth and public order)
{Hoarder_of_Wealth}부의 축적
{Hoarder_of_Wealth_desc}This man is interested in keeping his wealth, not parting with it.\n
{Hoarder_of_Wealth_effects_desc}무역 소득 +2%\n세금 소득 +5%\n불결함 +2 (decreases population growth and public order)
{Miserly_desc}Wouldn't spare a coin to the dying man who had left him all his wealth in his written will.\n
{Miserly_effects_desc}무역 소득 +5%\n세금 소득 +10%\n불결함 +3 (decreases population growth and public order)
{Spooked_at_Night}밤에 대한 두려움
{Spooked_at_Night_desc}On edge at night, knowing that he cannot be certain of what it is that will emerge from the darkness.\n
{Spooked_at_Night_effects_desc}지휘력 -1 야간 전투 시
{Fear_of_the_Dark}어둠에 대한 공포
{Fear_of_the_Dark_desc}Develops an irrational fear in the dark, that something will strike from somewhere unseen… He cannot bear it!\n
{Fear_of_the_Dark_effects_desc}지휘력 -2 야간 전투 시
{Noctophobic}어둠 공포증
{Noctophobic_desc}This man cannot sleep without torchlight nearby, he is utterly afraid of the dark. A sad state for a grown man.\n
{Noctophobic_effects_desc}지휘력 -3 야간 전투 시
{Likes_the_Dark}어둠의 선호
{Likes_the_Dark_desc}The dark is not something to be feared, but rather, something to take advantage of in battle.\n
{Likes_the_Dark_effects_desc}지휘력 +1 야간 전투 시
{Effective_at_Night}효과적인 야간전투
{Effective_at_Night_desc}Adept at using the cover of night to disguise his tactical manoeuvres on the battlefield.\n
{Effective_at_Night_effects_desc}지휘력 +2 야간 전투 시
{Nocturnal_desc}Known to sleep during the day so he can spend more of his waking hours in darkness. Makes easy prey of enemies unaccustomed to working in the dark.\n
{Nocturnal_gain_desc}This man is now seen as an expert when commanding battles at night.
{Nocturnal_effects_desc}지휘력 +3 야간 전투 시
{Sexually_Liberated}성적 개방
{Sexually_Liberated_desc}Unfussed with what others think of his bedroom antics - it is not their business in the first place.\n
{Sexually_Liberated_effects_desc}인기 +1 (공공질서 개선)
{Sexually_Eccentric}성적 괴벽
{Sexually_Eccentric_desc}This man's tastes for carnal pleasures are outlandish and irregular, and not something to let others know of.\n
{Sexually_Eccentric_effects_desc}인기 -1 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Sexually_Debauched}야동 매니아
{Sexually_Debauched_desc}이 남자는 자신의 집무실에 숨어서 품번을 외울 정도로 SMA, TOKYO HOT, S1 등의 일부 작품 감상에 몰두 하는 편입니다.\n
{Sexually_Debauched_effects_desc}복종 -1\n인기 -2 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Sexually_Perverse}섹스 중독
{Sexually_Perverse_desc}이 남자는 심지어 갑옷의 구멍이나 틈새에도 흥분하는 편이며 여시종들에게 추파를 던지거나 치마를 들추거나..또.. .\n
{Sexually_Perverse_effects_desc}복종 -2\n인기 -3 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Sexually_Corrupt}성적 타락
{Sexually_Corrupt_desc}이 남자는 막사의 샤워실에 들어가 자신의 병사에게 가끔씩 비누를 줍게 한다거나 바나나를 이용하여 여시종들의.... \n
{Sexually_Corrupt_effects_desc}복종 -3\n권위 -1\n인기 -4 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Diabolically_Degenerate}악마같은 성적 타락
{Diabolically_Degenerate_desc}그는 심각하게 성적으로 타락한 악마와도 같습니다. 하루에도 수십번 씩 아녀자들을 범하는 상상을 하고 그것을 실천에 옮기며, 지옥의 길로 인도하는데 주저하지 않습니다.\n
{Diabolically_Degenerate_epithet_desc}섹스 중독자
{Diabolically_Degenerate_effects_desc}복종 -4\n권위 -2\n인기 -5 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Adopts_Scouting}정찰병의 채용
{Adopts_Scouting_desc}Wise enough to employ the use of scouts to avoid nasty surprises.\n
{Adopts_Scouting_effects_desc}시야범위 +1 (적이 발견되는 범위를 증가시킵니다)
{Adept_Scout}능숙한 정찰병
{Adept_Scout_desc}Makes a point of ensuring that he has scouts feeling out the lands around his forces.\n
{Adept_Scout_effects_desc}시야범위 +2 (적이 발견되는 범위를 증가시킵니다)
{Reconnaissance_Expert}정찰 전문가
{Reconnaissance_Expert_desc}Always has riders and runners coming and going from his main force, ensuring that they know what is going on.\n
{Reconnaissance_Expert_effects_desc}시야범위 +3 (적이 발견되는 범위를 증가시킵니다)
{Talkative} 수다
{Talkative_desc}Sometimes prone to over elaborating on a point, bringing other things to light that didn't need to be mentioned.\n
{Talkative_effects_desc}영향력 -1\n뇌물 수수 +5% (increases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
{Gossips_desc}Is careless in the way he trades secrets, he enjoys it too much to hold back.\n
{Gossips_effects_desc}영향력 -2
{Utterly_Indiscreet}심한 경솔함
{Utterly_Indiscreet_desc}No secret is secret for long when this man knows it. His name is a byword for foolish indiscretion and loose talk.\n
{Utterly_Indiscreet_effects_desc}영향력 -3\n뇌물 수수 -5% (decreases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
{Discreet_desc}Can be relied upon not to be bringing to light things that should be kept in the dark.\n
{Discreet_effects_desc}영향력 +1
{Secretive_desc}Able to feign ignorance on almost any topic that is best not discussed.\n
{Secretive_effects_desc}영향력 +2\n뇌물 수수 +5% (increases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
{Impossible_to_Read}읽히지 않는 속마음
{Impossible_to_Read_desc}Able to mask every word and gesture in a manner that gives absolutely nothing away he doesn't wish revealed.\n
{Impossible_to_Read_effects_desc}영향력 +3\nBribery Attempts +10% (increases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
{Handsome_desc}Considered by most to be a good looking man.\n
{Handsome_effects_desc}인기 +1 (공공질서 개선)
{Physically_Attractive}치매력 외모
{Physically_Attractive_desc}Boasts looks that most men would kill to have when courting ladies.\n
{Physically_Attractive_effects_desc}인기 +2 (공공질서 개선)
{Striking_to_Behold_desc}Women commonly lose their words when first addressing this beautiful man.\n
{Striking_to_Behold_effects_desc}권위 +1\n인기 +3 (공공질서 개선)
{Physically_Flawless_desc}There is no chance this man's portrait will be unflattering, no matter how inept the artist.\n
{Physically_Flawless_effects_desc}지휘력 +1\n권위 +1\n인기 +4 (공공질서 개선)
This man's looks are lacklustre enough that he must compensate a little.\n
{Plain_effects_desc}인기 -1 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{A_Bit_Rough}좋지못한 시선
{A_Bit_Rough_desc}Though he could be loved, no woman's fantasy looks anything like he does.\n
{A_Bit_Rough_effects_desc}지휘력 +1\n인기 -2 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Ugly_desc}Well, at least he's got two eyes… albeit way too close together.\n
{Ugly_effects_desc}지휘력 +1\n인기 -3 (has a negative effect on Public Order)\nFertility -1 (decreases the chance of having children)
{Repulsive_to_Behold}혐오스러운 면상
{Repulsive_to_Behold_desc}This man's visage is )
{Cruelly_Deformed}심각한 몰골
{Cruelly_Deformed_desc}This man's features are what most would consider either deformed or inhuman. It is frightening and sad.\n
{Cruelly_Deformed_effects_desc}인기 -5 (has a negative effect on Public Order)\nFertility -3 (decreases the chance of having children)
{Virile}무한 정력
{Virile_desc}There is no problem with this man's breeding - he's more than capable of it.\n
{Virile_effects_desc}자식을 가질 확률 증가
{Fertile}섹쉬한 부인
{Fertile_desc}This man is of the strongest sort of breeding, a potent agent in the expansion of his bloodline.\n
{Fertile_effects_desc}자식을 가질 확률 증가
{Prolific}침대위에 버서커
{Prolific_desc}This man cannot indulge in carnal pleasures lawful or otherwise without a woman's belly giving him away months later.\n
{Prolific_effects_desc}자식을 가질 확률 증가
{Effete}무력한 부인
{Effete_desc}Seems drained and spent - something that could be adversely affecting his ability to spawn heirs.\n
{Effete_effects_desc}자식을 가질 확률 감소
{Infertile}불모의 여인
{Infertile_desc}It is worrisome when a man who must carry on a family legacy is unable to carry the family on at all.\n
{Infertile_effects_desc}자식을 가질 확률 감소
{Lame_of_Loin_desc}There seems absolutely no hope at all that this man will ever sire a child. He is known to be lacking in potency.\n
{Lame_of_Loin_effects_desc}자식을 가질 확률 감소
{Good_with_Taxes}세금에 관한 재주
{Good_with_Taxes_desc}Has an innate sense for knowing when people are avoiding paying taxes, and how to fix the problem without chronic oppression.\n
{Good_with_Taxes_effects_desc}세금 소득 +10%
{Thorough_Taxman}빈틈없는 세무관리사
{Thorough_Taxman_desc}Adept at ensuring that tax collection under his rule is diligent and efficient.\n
{Thorough_Taxman_effects_desc}수입 +20%\n불안 +1 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Cruelly_Exacting_Taxman}잔혹하고 까다로운 세무관리사
{Cruelly_Exacting_Taxman_desc}Not a single taxable coin passes by this man unnoticed. This exacting efficiency does nothing to endear him unto the people.\n
{Cruelly_Exacting_Taxman_effects_desc}수입 +30%\n불안 +2 (has a negative effect on Public Order)
{Poor_with_Taxes}빈곤한 세금
{Poor_with_Taxes_desc}Prone to believing pathetic excuses that see some taxes slip away from his grasp.\n
{Poor_with_Taxes_effects_desc}수입 -10%
{Sloppy_Taxman}엉성한 세금
{Sloppy_Taxman_desc}Misses way too many legitimate opportunities to tax the landowners and trade when collecting taxes.\n
{Sloppy_Taxman_effects_desc}수입 -20%
{Tax_Farmer}세금 청부인
{Tax_Farmer_desc}This man must either be utterly useless at tax collection, or outstanding at farming it for himself.\n
{Tax_Farmer_effects_desc}수입 -30%
{Divorced_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE - Hidden VnV to turn off marriage effects.
{Divorced_effects_desc}No Effects
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